25 September 2012


hey mom

you just cant help being trunky cant ya? jaja. well, we did have our baptism this week!  so i will attach some fotos afterwards. this week was a little slow though. i spent my birthday with a member family in a family home evening. it was good. we did get a baptismal fecha with his dad,  brother of a, our other baptism. other than that, it was a slow week... last night elder h and i talked and we are going to "poner las pilas" and work hard these next two weeks for baptisms. we have two fechas in total for the 15. j came to church yesterday and we had a good lesson in gospel principles. elder h and i taught the class and we pretty much taught the first lesson and put a fecha with j for the 15th. so we are excited. we have a couple familes as well that we are going to visit this week. so i hope it all goes well. as for other news, i ate at subway today! jaja i found a subway in centro, but not nearly as good as the ones back home. i had a meatball sub. i am trying to be more charitable. i realized that my charity gauge is a bit low, so i am trying to raise my charity. not easy, but im doing it. we havent heard such a thing about at least 21 lessons a week. as for the investigators we found the other week, not much progress, we are trying to get to them right now. but we shall see. we have the goal of 4 baptisms this month, but i think we can get more. we both have sufficiant time inthe mission and we know our way on how to work efficiently etc... well mom, i love you!

elder jones

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